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The Sexism of Shaving

Shaving. It's something every woman does, isn't it? Or rather, it's something that every woman is supposed to do: something that society...

You're Not Alone

Hey there. It's me, Polly, back again with another blog post. Some of you may have come from my old blog site on Wordpress and that's why...

Old News, Same News

Have any of you ever noticed how the newspapers, whether it be online or on paper, portray women celebrities? No? Well, I have, which is...

Do It Like a Girl

"You run like a girl." "That was such a girly scream." So? Who gives a flying duck if I run a little more feminine than society wants me...

The C Word

Nope, I'm not talking about explicit language. I'm talking about cellulite. As women, this is a dreaded word, despite the fact that most...

Spread Joy Like It's Confetti

Happiness. One word. Nine letters. A million different meanings (give or take). Has anyone ever done a good deed for you that it made...

The Makeup Debate

Welcome to my second blog post on Project EQUAL, a feminism project that aims to help bring equality to the sexes by calling out sexism...

Blog: Blog2
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