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You're Not Alone

Hey there.

It's me, Polly, back again with another blog post. Some of you may have come from my old blog site on Wordpress and that's why a few of these posts may seem familiar to you. It's because they are. I'm moving everything onto here before I really kick off this website / blog and begin to try and change the world.

Today I'm talking about feeling alone.

Kind of fitting? Considering I'm writing this from a country where we are in lockdown,  I thought it would be a good idea to address the fact that some people get extremely lonely, or feel as though no one is there for them. Especially since we're not allowed to hug friends anymore even when we really want to, this is a big topic.

It also pulls us into a mental health topic, but considering that I'm only a teenager and not a psychologist or anything, I can't go too deep into that.


So many of us suffer from shyness, or an anxiety disorder, or just a general feeling as though no one is there for us. So many bottle up our emotions, too scared to share them in case others judge them or worried that we'll act as a burden to others. In fact, that's how I feel. I try and help others so much and then when it comes to my own problems, I keep them hidden. I don't want to worry others, or get judged by them, even when I really need to talk about it. My brain constantly tells me that others don't like me, that they're judging me, that I need to do certain things to avoid being laughed at. It tells me that I'm all alone and no one cares.

And I am sure there are others out there that are like me.

I'm sure others are thinking exactly the same things and in this time where we are stuck inside, it's important to know that there are people that care for you. That we should all be there for one another and you are never, ever a burden to others. Or you shouldn't be. If someone thinks that about you, then something is wrong and that's not a very good thing to think.

Today's post was a bit of a short one today but I just wanted to address this because it seemed important in this era.

Remember I love you all.

Feel free to comment!


~ Polly

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