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The C Word

Nope, I'm not talking about explicit language.

I'm talking about cellulite.

As women, this is a dreaded word, despite the fact that most of us have it.

If you google 'cellulite', as I did before writing this post, then you will notice how the majority of websites/images are linked to ways to rid yourself of this supposedly horrible condition. Go onto Google Images and I dare you to type in cellulite. When I did, in the first ten images, six out of those ten were linked to websites saying how to get rid of it.

Before I continue, let me tell you what cellulite really is.

It is natural. Many women get cellulite. In fact, according to a study, 98% of women have it, whilst only 10% of men get it.

I am probably the world's biggest hypocrite because I am as judgmental of my body as the next person is of theirs. I'm not proud of that fact, either. I'm all for self-love (it isn't selfish, no matter what others say). I do understand self-doubt and lack of confidence issues because let's face it, this world can be incredibly harsh about imperfections.

That doesn't mean you have to hate yourself, though.

Jeez, this blog is turning into a positivity blog rather than a feminist's blog. Which I am not mad about because we all gotta share a bit of positivity sometimes (preferably all the time but hey ho).

What I'm trying to say is: don't judge yourself all of the time because of a completely natural, common thing. As I/the study said - around 98% of women have it! It's nothing to be ashamed of.

I love you all.

~ sidenote: apparently some of you are reading this! please leave some comments: they made my day!

Toodles for now, I'll see you in my next blog post...

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